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Roofing Contractor Ann Arbor MI

Roofing Contractor – New Roof Inc. – Call 734-665-5555

Roofing Contractor Ann Arbor MI

Roofing Contractor

Shelter makes up one of the fundamental human needs. A major part of what makes your home a shelter for you and your family is the roof over your heads. A compromised roof means that your home’s structural integrity and safety are also compromised. Here are some signs it’s time to call a Roofing Contractor for repair or a complete roof replacement.

Missing Roofing Shingles
Roofing shingles are an essential part of the roof, since they create a tight seal that keeps out rain and wind. By offering protection against the elements, shingles ensure that your roof remains safe from environmental damage. A few missing shingles aren’t a huge cause of concern. A simple replacement using leftover spare shingles will get the job done.

If you notice that a substantial number of shingles are missing, then it’s time you consider a total roof replacement. Trying to replace the missing shingles with spares might not work since the replacements may not match perfectly. Several missing shingles indicate that your roof is fast approaching the end of its lifespan, and your home might need a complete roof replacement.

Staining on Your Walls or Ceiling
Stains are never a good sign. If you notice any dark stains on your home’s interior, it could be a sign of several issues. The most likely culprits are mold contamination caused by excess moisture seeping through the roof, or moisture condensation due to poor ventilation. Touching or inhaling mold spores can result in allergic reactions characterized by skin rashes, shortness of breath, red eyes, or a runny nose.

Painting over the dark stains is a short-term fix and doesn’t stop the perpetuation of moisture damage. The best way to fix a leaky roof is to call your contractor, who will come in and identify the source of any leaks. If your roof’s structural integrity is severely compromised, total roof replacement could be the only solution to fix the issue.

Contact New Roof, your trusted Roofing Contractor, for a free estimate at 734-665-5555.


Some of the manufacturers we carry

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